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Jet Plasma is the most advanced plasma technology available, utilizing 3 different plasma gases to stimulate colagen, target wrinkles, & reverse hair loss. Simultaneously utilizing micro currents for muscle tightening.

Jet Plasma utilizes 3 types of plasma

CAP (Cold Atmospheric Plasma)
• cold plasma is created in short bursts

J Plasma (AKA Jet)
• helium converted to plasma gas
This conversion is done through the tip of the Jet, which is like a micro-computer. The machine does not require a nitrogen installation since many components in the air are composed of nitrogen. Through the tip's consumable, it can react comprehensively to achieve the desired effect, which is why you can see it emitting blue flames. This tip's consumable contains precision technology circuit boards. The combination of silica gel and ceramic sheet can just stimulate a flat flame.

Ozone Plasma
• oxide oxygen mixed with J Plasma creates Ozone Plasma
Ozone plasma has anti-inflammatory and healing properties which is why it's able to calm and heal the surface so quickly. This is extremely beneficial for skin issues like rosacea, keratosis, eczema, psoriasis etc.

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